Instead of traveling to the beach, sitting in beach chairs and letting the warm salt water bury my feet with each tide – we practiced social distancing.
I must admit, not worrying about packing bags and planning out everything to make sure the kids can check off their summer bucket list was a break away from a stressful process. After canceling our plans in March, the reality of planning a staycation immediately replaced our normal plans.
So, we decided to recreate the feeling of traveling by going to local restaurants we haven’t visited before. Of course, it was all takeout orders but since we moved into this area over a decade ago – our small country town has grown. People from all over the country have been moving to the Carolinas and bringing their food influences with them.
From Thai to Cajun to Mediterranean and Jamaican food; we toured our cities food scene.
Just like a real vacation, everyone is till talking about what their favorite place to eat was during our week off. Then, I stepped on the scale.
This is the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life. Without noticing, the weight added up while I ate and the extra activity involved when traveling didn’t happen.
Before I get out of hand, I signed up for Weight Watchers, bought a Fitbit, and started the difficult journey towards getting back to healthy – losing the weight.
Have you lost track of your health during this time? What are some ways you’re going to get back on track?